Sabai Thai™
"Nuad Bo Rarn" Traditional Thai Massage
Table Thai for the Spa™
This 2,000 year old ancient healing art is still being practiced today in Thailand,
from the cities to the remote islands and hill-tribe villages.
- Opens up stagnation and blockages of the body
- Frees the energy meridians & Sen Lines
- Promotes circulation and lymphatic flow
- Increases flexibility and range of motion
- Promotes deep relaxation
- Frees the diaphragm allowing deep, relaxed breathing
- Promotes a sense of well-being
- Balances the whole body ~ mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally,
- energetically
The ‘Lazy Man's Yoga’; Sabai Thai™ is a very special yoga-style massage
performed clothed on the massage table.
The sensitive, flowing rhythmic style incorporates wonderful passive stretches
and energy line work. it is a gentle treatment without pressure or force.
Like a flowing dance. Sabai Thai™ has all of the rhythm and grace of the
traditional old world style. It is reflexology for the Hara (abdomen), feet. hands,
face, ears and cranium.
This treatment can be adapted for anywhere between a half hour to an hour
and a half treatment.
Excellent for creating and maintaining youthful energy, flexibility and vigor.