Ampuku Psoas Release™

Ampuku Psoas Release™

Ampuku Psoas Release is a form of abdominal massage developed in Japan from Chinese sources and is an effective treatment for a variety of health complaints. Ampuku Psoas Release™ is a unique and gentle treatment that uses both Eastern and Western techniques and theories.

The focus is on the abdomen (the Hara) and the Psoas muscle as the center of movement and posture, as well as the fulcrum of energy for the whole body ~ mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and energetically. It is the major key to the healthy flexibility of the body.

Ampuku Psoas Release gently works with the Psoas and lliacus muscles to address the lower back muscles, hips and sacral areas. In the lower body, this is a key component in sciatic pain, knee injuries, groin pulls as well as injuries in the feet and ankles.

This is also extremely effective - without pressure- in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, neck pain, TMJ and frozen shoulder in the upper body. In fact, the Psoas and the diaphragm are totally related, so breathing is deeper and heart rate and blood pressure are affected positively as well.

The Hara is the key to our physical body, as well as our mental. emotional, spiritual and energetic being. By unblocking your Hara, the organs function efficiently, the immune system rebuilds and the body and mind function as one. Balance is restored.

Gentle and incredibly effective, this is usually an hour treatment but can require up to 2 more hours.

Essential Lymphatic Performance™

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Glowing, fresh skin is your sign of good health

Lymphatic Drainage Massage Glowing, fresh skin is your sign of good health Our lymphatic system is our body's natural immune system. A healthy body fights disease and age, repairs injuries, and repels negative influences naturally. It is also our natural beauty system keeping skin lubricated, glowing and flexible. Our body ages when lymphatics get blocked, through new and old injuries, allergic reactions,
life style stresses and dietary habits.

This treatment is a major key in longevity and rejuvenation. An eclectic technique, it
is a gentle, soft touch treatment - truly meditative in application and results.

The lymphatic system is~

Your natural beauty system

Lubricates your skin and keeps your skin supple and glowing
Healthy skin feeds a beautiful, mind and spirit
Deep relaxation keeps you vibrant and youthful

Your Injury Recovery system

Reduces swelling and endemic constriction
Promotes oxygen, nutrients and fresh blood cells to the injury site
Clears toxins, dead cells and debris
Opens and promotes Qi circulation to speed natural healing
Increases flexibility and mobility

Your Healthy Immune System

Fights disease and delays aging
Repairs injuries rapidly without scar tissue
Repels negative influences naturally
Fights viruses, bacteria, invading organisms
Increases organ function and metabolism
Cleans the blood of toxins and debris

Your Pain Regulator

Immediately reduces the most painful symptoms of injuries and discomforts
Decreases the swelling and pressure around the injury
Speeds wound healing

Youthful, glowing flexibility and increased metabolism promote a clean system, a happy spirit and clear thoughts.

Sabai Thai™

"Nuad Bo Rarn" Traditional Thai Massage
Table Thai for the Spa

This 2,000 year old ancient healing art is still being practiced today in Thailand,
from the cities to the remote islands and hill-tribe villages.

  • Opens up stagnation and blockages of the body

  • Frees the energy meridians & Sen Lines

  • Promotes circulation and lymphatic flow

  • Increases flexibility and range of motion

  • Promotes deep relaxation

  • Frees the diaphragm allowing deep, relaxed breathing

  • Promotes a sense of well-being

  • Balances the whole body ~ mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally,

  • energetically

The ‘Lazy Man's Yoga’; Sabai Thai is a very special yoga-style massage
performed clothed on the massage table.

The sensitive, flowing rhythmic style incorporates wonderful passive stretches
and energy line work. it is a gentle treatment without pressure or force.

Like a flowing dance. Sabai Thai has all of the rhythm and grace of the
traditional old world style. It is reflexology for the Hara (abdomen), feet. hands,
face, ears and cranium.

This treatment can be adapted for anywhere between a half hour to an hour
and a half treatment.

Excellent for creating and maintaining youthful energy, flexibility and vigor.

QiAtsu™ is a great tonic for all seasons, and a great balm for woes it provides a sense of deep relaxation. This treatment promotes good digestion, assimilation of nutrients and smooth elimination. QiAtsu balances the meridians, organs and systems of the body.

QiAtsu™ Power Balancing for Vitality" is a deeply meditative acupressure treatment. It can be performed clothed or draped and balances the body beginning in the Hara (or Dan Tien), the center for energy, movement and posture.

Utilizing the master power points of the body to achieve balance and vitality as well as ~

Improve immune system function
Increase strength
improve flexibility
Decrease aches & pains
Deep relaxation
increase circulation
Soothe the spirit and relieve stress
Stimulate rejuvenation
Increase oxygenation
Balance yin & yang
Improve posture
Balance emotions
increase perception & awareness
Clear the mind

A powerful treatment for energy, strength, harmony, health and vitality.